Sunday, November 18, 2007

but you feel safe, right?

From two law professors, one at Georgetown U, the other at U Pittsburgh.
Number of worldwide terrorist attacks:
2001 - 1732
2005 - 4995
2006 - 6659

Average daily insurgent attacks in Iraq:
July 2003 - 16
July 2007 - 161

# of foreign nationals detained for two years post-9/11 - 5191
# of convictions - 0

# of "terrorist" pleas and convictions claimed by US Justice Dept by June 2006 - 261
Actual # of cases involing terrorism - 2

# of Arab foreign nationals forced to register for US residence - 83.519
# convicted of terrorist crimes - 0

# of people detained at Guantanamo Bay since Jan 2002 - 775
# of detainees released - 470
# charged, tried or convicted for any crime - 0

# of Al Qaeda cells discovered in US, post 9/11 - 0

Cost of Iraq war (est.) - $100-200 billion
Funding of Iraq war 2003-2007 - $413 billion
Cost of Homeland Security 2003-2007 - $236 billion

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