Thursday, August 30, 2007

another interview with Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey..

What separates you from the rest of the candidates running for president?

Though I am a Satanic Sanguinary Vampyre, Hecate Witch, Ordained Satanic Dark Priest and un-Christian, I am upfront and honest about who I am, and what my plans are.

As President I will end the War in Iraq, by pulling our troops out, and leveling the Middle East. Unlike the 'so-called' Christian Presidents before me, I will end abortion as a form of birth control. I will bring peace to America.

The other candidates are Pinocchios. Where no one is controlling me. Plus, criminals and terrorist will fear me. No one fears McCain, Hillary and any of the other candidates.

What does being a vampire really mean?

I am a Vampyre by blood. I am a descent of Romanian Vampyres. I feed off of human blood to give me strength and power. As well as keep my youthful appearance.
I live by the Vampyre Creed. Go to;
True Vampyres are not like you see on TV/movies. They are special and unique in many ways. And like TV/movies, we feed off of other people's energies to survive.

I imagine there are a lot of misconceptions about what you you drink human blood?

Yes I do.

Where do you get this blood?

Women that I am dating/married to or from female donors.

What is the weirdest thing that has happened to you when you were giving a speech or on the campaign trail?

Last year in a press conference, my now former Pagan wife stole the show from me. The media started interviewing her, instead of me.

Do people threaten you a lot?

I am getting death threats from Daniel Carver of the KKK. I also get numerous death threats every week.

Are there any issues you have a particularly strong interest in?

Equality for all Americans.

When did you find out that you were a vampire?

I had my Vampyre awaking when I was 5 years old.

Is your spouse a vampire as well?

My fiancee Paula is also a Satanic Vampyre.

What do you do for a living?

I own a Coven, a Vampyre and Satanic Church, Wrestle Professionally, and am the Commanding General of the 1st VWP Militia Regiment, as well as the International VWP Regiment.
Go to;

What state do you think you will have the most support in?

New Jersey - My Home State

Who do you think you appeal to?

Young Americans. Veterans and of course - Vampyres and Satanists.

What do you want people to know about you?

There is a difference between Jonathon and Jonathon "The Impaler." Though "The Impaler" will tear anyone apart, Jonathon has a heart of Gold. Paula can speak for that.
Many have said, I have the body of a bear, and the heart of a dear.

Are there any other candidates out there that you like?

Not that I am aware of. There is a rumor Hillary is a "REAL" Witch like me.

If you weren't running for president, who would you vote for?

John Edwards

Is there anything else about vampires we don't know?

Vampyres on a whole, are very patriotic and devoted to those they serve and protect. Most of us are not evil. However, if we or our loved ones are attacked, we will destroy the person(s) who attacked.

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