Friday, August 31, 2007

Random Dong Wisdom...

I want to get drunk after this semester is over, do the Mahoning shuffle and hit all the bars after I call someone up who I don't even like to do shots with me, find some shit in the urinals, or hell right in the open, if anyone is paranoid I'll yell give me that cheese for my cheddar!

but yeah I was walking home tonight, didn't have a ride so for about a block I hear the greatest Jimi Hendrix song ever written, that ballad one all the old-timers play all the time, I'm waiting to hear it from straightaway without echo, outdoor show I wanted to walk up to, this guy had the best guitar tone and I'm catching all of the best part of this song, I'm checking to see if he keeps in key, this guy is so good and blows my mind every so often so I know he's in the pack of wolves of this town if not god himself, these guys all knew eachother growing up and still play all the great songs people want to hear. a little delay/chorus/reverb slightly I believe, no gain at all and it was beautiful, very well could have been a strat.

so that jingle is playing in my head until the bridge when two bikers come racing up and the second blew his pipes as he passed me, it was like my brain was stirred like a partial birth abortion. so my head is clear and I pass bars but not until I get almost home another climax of a song of the Rolling Stones, fuck now I forget which song but the tone was again very good, then the next bar a 3 doors down sounding band starts a song, but then I think it's bob dylan, then no it's bob segar, then it sound country to I think it was kenny rogers.

this town is good for that, great guitarists and loud pipes. the hangouts are as white as this website. I ahven't had friends like that since highschool, all wiggers and all suck at guitar, all clutch crowd sucks, they all suck, take your horns and stick one finger in your ass and the other in your penis hole.

1 comment:

bridget said...

Such a sweet nice quiet boy.